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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Amager Bryghus Christianshavn Pale Ale - Denmark

Imagine a Sunday with blue sunny skies and a wife that needs work done around the home.
First step, escape to the hills on my bike for 3 hours of exercise, I really need the training for my approaching assault of Alpe d'Huez and Mont Ventoux!

A fifteen minute stop for coffee and cake on the way home meant fifteen minutes less work around the home.

An approaching cold front meant that the gutters had to be cleared out as a matter of urgency so an afternoon of climbing up and down the ladder. My thirst was starting to build.

I was also obliged to pay for my morning away by having to prepare dinner. With a Pale Ale chilling in the fridge my excellent home made bacon & bocconcini pizza seemed the ideal accompaniment.

With the pizza in the oven the ritual of "beer o'clock" was upon me.

This Pale Ale was perfect for this occasion, fresh citrus hop aromas, off white chunky head just screamed "DRINK ME NOW"! Not overly bitter, a pleasantly hopped finish, nice refreshing Pale Ale.


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