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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Burleigh brewing My Wife's Bitter - Australia

This was a limited release beer (400 cases) from Burleigh as one of their quirky "bit on the side" craft brews.
It is supposed to be a a modern take on an English Bitter. It pours a nice dark Mahogany with a small quickly dissipating head. There are caramel malt flavours and some slight citrus hop but it is by no means a full flavoured bitter. Very much like a traditional English Bitter.

This is something I would not normally drink and I enjoyed it as something a little different.



Anonymous said...

I too have tried this one Mal. I in fact really enjoyed it, I found it to have bit of a twist on the quintessential pommy bitter, sweeter/more caramel.

I spoke to my local beer merchant (QLD) at the time, who was in regular touch with the Burleigh Brewery boys. He told me that each season they were going to release a new bitter, complete with spiffy name. Unfortunately I have since moved further North and do not know if this ever eventuated and the results.

I like the blog, keep up the good work.



P.S. I must say I still have those bikini clad bitter bottles, purely for sentimental value of course.

milmalcolm said...

Funnily enough I have also kept the bottles. Maybe I could fill them with a home brew!