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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, a family favourite.

Weihenstephaner is widely regarded as the worlds oldest operating brewery and has been brewing at its Bavarian premises for around 1000years. The brewery was first licensed by the City of Freising in 1040 but evidence exists of brewing as far back as 768. The brewery now operates in conjunction with the Technical University of Munich as a learning centre as well as a commercial brewery.

Wheat beer is a hangover from times when beer was brewed to quench the thirst of workers (it was safer than water), wheat beer was always considered more refreshing. Wheat malt is less often used nowadays as it lacks the husk of Barley and can clog up brewing systems. At places where it is still brewed the traditional cloudy unfiltered version (Hefe) is preferred.

This beer pours with a big chunky head, a beautiful cloudy amber colour and has an aroma often likened to banana's but I also get citrus lemon. The wheat malt (I think they use about 50% wheat & 50% barley) gives this beer a unique bready, yeasty and malty feel.

This beer is loved by all of my family my son, daughter and especially my sister, who has downed 5 successive 1 litre steins of the stuff in one sitting!

This beer is widely available in Australia both on tap and in 500ml bottles, I am guessing that it must be produced in some quantity. Despite its commercial production, this beer has real character and flavour and is a great traditional Bavarian Weissbier. I love it and will continue drinking this for as long as it is brewed.

Visit Weihenstephan


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