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Monday, September 12, 2011

Bootleg Brewery Black IPA - Australia

Bootleg brewery have produced this ale as a homage to the north American style. Black IPA is a misnomer, "Pale Ale" is known as "Pale" because the style is produced with pale malts. Black IPA requires dark roasted malts (or food colouring).

This ale pours  a very dark brown colour with a generous tan head, it looks almost like a glass of coke!

The aroma is  malty with the floral hop aroma of a good IPA. The taste is of pine and citrus hop with a distinct burnt vanilla maltiness.

In the USA I know they often use both Carafa malt (a dark barley malt) or chocolate malt together with pale malt to make this style. I am not sure what Bootleg have used but I do like the colouring and aroma.

I have tasted the full range of Bootleg's regular beers and this one beats them all hands down. A pretty good drinkable ale.


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