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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lost Abbey "Lost & Found" Belgian Dubbel - USA

I loved the dark mahogany colour of this beer and the creamy head.
The brewer has used a variety of malts including some wheat malt, dark English crystal malt and some chocolate malt. This would explain that fantastic colour. Brewed with 2 German Hop varieties and Belgian yeast has produced and interesting beer.

It has a sweet malt and fruity hop aroma and a distinct sweetness on the mid palate with a mildly bitter finish. The tasting notes supplied with this beer mention raisins and figs and both flavours are present.

This does not taste like a Belgian Dubbel and has a distinctly USA flavour. A very good beer with a good mix of flavours. I drank this with some spiced barbecue ribs and they paired up very nicely.


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