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Friday, February 24, 2012

8 Wired "Saison Sauvin" - New Zealand (7%ABV)

I bought two of these just to make sure I really did like it, I did!

This has not really been brewed as a traditional Saison, it has extra malt (more alcohol) and a fabulous loading of Nelson Sauvin hops. It pours a hazy (bottle conditioned) darkish amber colour with a healthy head. The head has a true "Saison" character with loads of little champagne like bubbles. I think these have been helped along by the traditional French Saison yeast and a bit of bottle conditioning.

This beer has an enticing Nelson Sauvin hop aroma with a hint of funky yeast and a lovely hop flavour. Refreshing and quite easy to drink, I would not guess this had a 7% alcohol content.

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