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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bridge Road (Australia) & Nøgne Ø (Norway) India Saison (7.5%ABV)- Comparitive tasting

A collaborative brewing by Bridge Rd & Nøgne Ø, a part Saison (using Belgian Ale Yeast, Pilsener & Wheat Malt) and part IPA (Australian Stella & Galaxy Hops). Both breweries brewed the same beer using essentially the same ingredients.

Both beers have a very similar hop aroma (both are brewed with Stella & Galaxy Hops) but a quite different appearance. The Nøgne Ø pours a darker colour with a much bigger head than the Bridge Rd version, both are similarly hazy in the glass (similar quantity of yeast in the bottle). The Bridge Rd, to my palate, is closer to a true Saison with the Nøgne Ø closer to a true IPA.

Both very tasty, very well made, beautifully balanced beers. I preferred the Nøgne Ø but only just.

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