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Monday, April 30, 2012

Growlers & Squealers- Fresh Beer!

Growler -"Bridge Rd Chevalier Saison" (Australia) ABV 6%
I was really looking forward to trying this beer and in particular getting hold of a "fresh" 2L growler to sample.

The concept of the "Growler" is a good one. Your shop can get in fresh kegs of a variety of different beers, when they tap the variety you want you pop in and get a 2L Growler (or 1L Squealer) filled with that beer. You then take it home and enjoy it.

As my first experience of beer from a Growler this one was a little disappointing. The Chevalier lacked a little carbonation and a little freshness. This beer has a reputation for forming a big soft creamy head, you can see in the photo a very slight head. The taste was unmistakably Saison, yeasty esters, some grassy hop and a noticeable acidity. A good beer but not great, I think this may have been a dud batch!

Squealer- "Beer Hear Lupulus APA" (Denmark) ABV 4.7%
This American Pale Ale is brewed at the Søgaards Bryghus in Copenhagen. The name is derived from the Latin "Humulus Lupulus" for Hops and further plays on the Latin "Lupulus" for Wolf. The brewery describes this beer as a wolf in sheep's clothing!

This excellent American Pale Ale is brewed with a variety of different malts and packed with NZ Green Bullet, Simcoe and Chinook hops. The malts give this beer a lovely coppery orange colour and a slightly caramel sweetness to balance the  bitterness of the hops. The hops used give this a super resinous hoppy aroma with the finish crisp to dry rather than bitter.

A beautifully balanced beer tasting super fresh out of the squealer!


smudge117 said...

Drank some of this yesterday with my mate Allan, also from a Squealer. Enjoyed it immensely, but without the flowery language!

milmalcolm said...

Hey Mark, yep I really enjoyed the Lupulus. I didn't know Allan was a Cellarbrations Carlisle customer!