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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

North Coast Old Stock Ale - USA (ABV 11.7%)

This beer is brewed to be laid down and matured in the bottle. It is brewed using classic English malt (Marris Otter) and classic English hops (Fuggles & East Kent Goldings). I tried the 2010 vintage which has a staggering 11.7% ABV, it is not likely to go off whilst cellared!

It pours a rich mahogany colour with a medium beige head. The aroma is of malt and raisins with an unmistakable alcohol presence. It has an initial caramel sweetness that finishes with a slight spicy tartness.

Unlike many US craft beers this one does not have an in your face hopiness. A terrific English style "old ale" given an American twist.

North Coast Brewery

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