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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Brooklyn Sorachi Ace - USA (ABV 7.6%)

Another refreshing Saison to taste, lucky me!

This Saison was brewed by Brooklyn Brewery (yes that is Brooklyn New York) is special largely because of the hop variety used. This was brewed with the Japanese "Sorachi Ace" hop, best known for imparting a lemongrass like flavouring.

This Saison poured a pale, cloudy amber colour with the expected fluffy white Saison head. It doesn't have the usual yeasty earthy aroma of most Saisons but the lemongrass aroma is definitely there. It has the pleasant mouth feel, and crisp refreshing finish of most Saisons.

The "Sorachi Ace" hop is obviously well suited to the Saison style. This is a very refreshing, tasty Saison.

Brooklyn Brewery website

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