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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rogue Brewing "Dads Little Helper" Black IPA - USA (ABV 6.8%)

All of the tasty goodness of an IPA with added roasted malts for colour and flavour. This beer has been brewed with a truckload of different malts (Great Western 2-Row, Malteries Franco-Belges Carawheat, Weyermann Melanoidin, Wyermann Carafe Special II) and with three different hop varieties (Newport, Chinook & Cascade).
Pours a very dark Mahogany with a creamy head, it looks fantastic in the glass. It has all the aromas of a good IPA citrus & pine but also has some roasted maltiness on the nose. Loads of hop as it hits the tongue but also some toasted malt flavour. It does finish quite bitter and dry.

I really enjoyed this squealer of "Dads Little Helper", I drank the whole litre in one sitting!

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