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Monday, August 6, 2012

8 Wired Fresh Hopwired- New Zealand (ABV 7.3%)

This is the second fresh hopped IPA, brewed with New Zealand's finest hops, that I have tasted in two days. For me this one is hoppier and for my palate better.

This beer is brewed in two batches, first with fresh "wet" Motueka hops and then after two weeks another batch with the later ripening "Nelson Sauvin" hops. The two brews are then blended to create this finished product.

8 Wired are known for their fabulous "Hopwired" IPA and this "fresh" version is even more special. This IPA has a much more tropical hop flavour than the "Sierra Nevada Southern Harvest" tasted last night. It has a citrus aroma and a hint of passion fruit. The first mouthful has a bitter finish but the sweetness of this beer becomes more pronounced further into the glass.

It pours a slightly darker amber than "Southern Harvest" but still has a beige chunky head and good lacing.

I feel very lucky to have tasted two excellent fresh hopped IPA's in two days.

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