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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hitachino Nest Japanese Classic Ale - Japan (ABV 7%)

Kiuchi Brewery have endeavored to recreate one of the earliest beers brewed in Japan, an English IPA style beer that has been aged in cedar casks. This type of beer was first brewed during the Edo period, probably in the 19th century.

It pours a cloudy orange amber with a delightfully hoppy aroma with just a hint of cedar. It is a very good ale tasting very much like a modern American pale Ale but with a subtle hint of cedar. Brewed using Marris Otter, Munich, Crystal malts and very much English IPAChinook, Fuggle, Kent Golding hops. The cedar is beautifully done with only a subtle flavour, not at all overpowering. Kuichi also brew Saki and Sochu so are well experienced in the use of cedar.

Nicely balanced  refreshing tasty IPA with just a hint of Japanese flavour.

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