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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prickly Moses Wheat Beer & Otway Ale - Australia

I have just spent a long weekend in Lorne for a bicycle race, loving beer as I do I was prepared to risk my race by "carbo loading" with my sports drink of choice.

I was looking forward to trying these beers on the upper veranda of  The Grand Pacific Hotel in Lorne , the lack of a bottle opener forced a side by side comparison.

The Wheat Beer is brewed with unmalted wheat together with malted barley. The brewer also uses Coriander and citrus peel as adjuncts in the brewing process. It pours a very pale colour with almost no head, it is a very refreshing beer but lacks flavour.  I prefer Feral White from Western Australia brewed with similar adjuncts and using a Belgian yeast strain.

The Otway Ale  pours a dark lager colour and again lacks head. This ale is brewed with crystal malt, is warm fermented and uses English hops. Not a full flavoured ale but it is easy to drink with a slight toffee maltiness with a balanced slightly hopped finish.

SCORE Wheat Beer 3.3
SCORE Otway Ale 3.5

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