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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Murray's "The Natural" - Australia (ABV 5%)

The Natural was inspired by Cadel Evans efforts in winning the 2011 Tour de France. Watching his inspirational race through the French countryside prompted the brewers at Murray's to produce this French Country style Ale .

Better still, all proceeds from this beer go towards supporting the Amy Gillett Foundation, a cause close to my heart. Pretty neat being able to indulge both my hobbies in the one bottle!

This  interesting, bottle conditioned, "session" beer is brewed using a French Ale Yeast.  It pours a cloudy (yeast in the bottle) pale straw with an Champagne like head. It looks like a "Hefe Weizen" but has a slight acid profile with a nice crisp dry finish. It has that yeast presence that you find in some Belgian beers, apparently this is a characteristic of traditional French country ales.

Yeasty, refreshing, crisp dry session beer. Great to see an Aussie brewer doing something a little bit different and for the right reasons.

Order some online HERE

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