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Friday, January 6, 2012

Yeastie Boys Digital IPA - New Zealand (ABV 7%)

I think my beer photography may be improving, well at least the "light & colour" aspect of it. This beer was an amazing bright orange amber colour, the photo nearly does it justice. I think the colour may come from the Thomas Fawcett Golden Promise malt, but I am just guessing.

This limited release IPA is brewed largely with New Zealand's own versatile  Motueka Hops together with some Cascade & Nelson Sauvin hops.  Magnificent fruity hop aroma, lots of citrus & tropical fruit on the nose. Some malt sweetness, followed by tropical fruit and a nicely balanced hop finish.

I tried this as a pre dinner aperitif (by the pool) , even with its 7% ABV I found this a pleasant & refreshing IPA.

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